University coin collections: history, present & future

The volume on the history of university coin collections is now available: in print and as an open access publication
As part of the NUMiD project also the history of university coin collections was analysed. The intensive study of the past has resulted in the recently published book "Universitäre Münzsammlungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. History, Present and Future", edited by Katharina Martin, Martin Mulsow and Johannes Wienand.
It contains contributions by many colleagues from the NUMiD network and offers insights into the collections in Bochum, Budapest, Düsseldorf, Erlangen, Frankfurt a.M., Freiberg, Gießen, Göttingen, Graz, Greifswald, Halle a.d.S., Heidelberg, Jena (Academic Coin Cabinet & Oriental Coin Cabinet), Leipzig, Münster, Rostock, Strasbourg, Tübingen (Archaeological Collection & FINT), Vienna and Würzburg.
First and foremost, the focus is on the past, i.e. it is on provenance research and on the ideas and intentions that led to the establishment of coin collections at universities at various times. But the volume also looks at the current status of work on and with the collection in the context of university teaching and training as well as on perspectives for future projects and research.
Individual articles and the entire volume is freely available as an open access publication on the publisher's website (Please find the links below).